Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Sign From Above

Today, even though my legs and back were so stiff and sore from the 5K yesterday, Buck and I hiked to the Cindakut Mine, a six hour hike up Dry Mountain in Santaquin. At the start of the hike I was once again wondering, what I am thinking? However, I decided that once in Africa even if my entire body is sore and says, STOP, I have to keep going. So up the mountain I went. It was such a beautiful day and the wild flowers and the fragrant wild roses were just as beautiful. Each Spring the mountain wild flowers remind me so much of Dad, he loved the mountains and especially loved Indian Paintbrush's, Wild Larkspurs, and those little orange flowers. As I hiked I thought a lot of him, laughed at his little quotes, and cried because he wasn't here to encourage me in my journey. In preparing for my upcoming trip I've often wondered what he would think and would he be supportive of my decisions? Today, as I was hiking the abundance of wild flowers on each ridge seemed to be a sign from Dad. But, the real sign for me was the gracious eagle that soar above me for an hour. This eagle soared in the wind in the crystal blue sky, as if he were sky writing a message to me, a message of encouragement and good luck. I really think Dad would be tickled with my strength and courage so far, and in my mind I can hear him say, "that's is my daughter." Dad always loved bragging about his kids and grandkids to any one who would listen. I'm sure my humanitarian efforts would give him cause to brag. On the other hand, Donny, Steve, & Doug wonder why I want to go to Africa. Doug is convinced I have lost my marbles for climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, while Donny is sure I'm going to be eaten by a lion! However, they all three agree that out of the six of us, I probably have the best chance of making it to the Roof of Africa, due to the fact that I inherited Dad's so called "strong bull-headedness." Really, I call it nothing more than a very deep determination, not knowing the meaning of NO, and an attitude of don't tell me I can't do it because I'll prove you wrong..............

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